Leagal Notice

Responsible for the content

according to § 55 RfStV

Chemische Industrie Erlangen GmbH
Rathenaustraße 18
D-91052 Erlangen

Telephone: +49 (0)9131 3006-0
E-Mail: info@ching-coatings.com
VAT ID No: DE132493095

Managing director

Dipl.-Kfm. Mario Werner

Commercial register

Amtsgericht Fürth, HRB 491

References and links

The author of www.ching-coatings.com has included links to other pages on this website. We expressly declare that at the time of linking none of the linked pages included any illegal content. The author also declares that he or she has no influence on the design and content of the linked/referenced websites. The author does not endorse or approve any contents of the linked websites and takes no responsibility for their content. The linked websites do not reflect the opinion of the provider of www.ching-coatings.com and do not constitute an endorsement of the contents of the linked websites.

Photo credits

© Fotolia.com/AdobeStock
© 123RF.com

Layout and implementation

pde-systems kaufmännische IT-Lösungen 
Owner: Stefan Hezel 
Andreas-Paulus-Str. 7 
D-91080 Erlangen-Spardorf